As an experienced clinician and a board certified physical therapist in Orthopedics (OCS), Rushi Shahiwala brings his expertise in sports performance and rehabilitation to NYCPT. He is a Physical Therapist for “ALL STAR CRICKET LEAGUE”.
Trained in the SFMA ( Selective Functional Movement Assessment), Active Release Technique (ART), IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization), and Visceral Manipulation , Rushi has more than 16 years of experience working with athletes and helping them overcome injuries. He has treated many players from Junior hockey leagues (Oshawa Generals) in Canada where he had his career for 11 years before moving to USA. He has helped many olympians, pro. and college level runners, swimmers, Football players, hockey players , Tennis players and elite Golfers in the Tristate area in improving their game, achieving best possible outcome using scientific methodology, training methods and also rehabilitating them post injuries.
Rushi is certified “ Speed , Agility and Fitness specialist and a certified “ Golf specialist + “Running specialist” .
Rushi was a Clinical Instructor for Columbia University, University of Queens and University of Toronto .He is affiliated with the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) as an Advanced Hip Clinician.
In his native India, Rushi has been teaching course – multidimensional approach to treat soft tissue dysfunction, headaches, shoulder and hip rehabilitation courses through the Indian Association of Physiotherapy and Parul University. He was a committee member and chief therapist to set up course curriculum of “Health and life style Management” program at “Durham college, Oshawa, Canada.
Rushi is dedicated to promoting the healing process in his patients in order for them to maximize their quality of life. He has a strong background in manual therapy and uses the following approaches: SFMA, IASTM , Induction and Myofascial Release, Function Soft Tissue Release and Active Release, Mackenzie method, Mulligan mobilization, Maitland-Cyriax approach for mobilization-manipulation, Kinesio Taping –Sports Taping- Therapeutic taping, MET (muscle energy), Strain-counter strain (Positional Release), and Pilates based core strengthening and Visceral Manipulation ( for Athlete ) to name few.